Reflections #8
Another month gone by! It`s number 8 and there will only be four more to go. I think that`s still quite a lot but if I
look at how quickly the previous ones have gone by, it seems like the whole adventure will be over soon. Anyway, many people
have been asking me about what kind of comments I get on my projects. I obviously can`t write down all of them, but I did
manage to compile a good list of e-mail comments that I received during the previous months. Most of them are quite positive,
some are negative or even insulting, another few have nothing to do with the project itself but are still quite amusing.
Bruno (28):
..finding compromises
Then there`s the regular ones that confuse me because they are inconherent, yet somehow very clear about why `Us Europeans` does not
meet their criteria for whatever they are after. This especially applies for any response that is in any way related to the
European Year for Intercultural Dialogue - very
frustrating indeed, especially since their official plan announces that:
`The legislation designating the year calls for
the following types of activity:
* activities at European, national and regional levels promoting Intercultural
Dialogue and the various objectives of the Year. These should be connected to civic education and to learning to appreciate
others and their differences, including a limited number of emblematic actions on a European scale aimed at raising
awareness, particularly among young people`;
* information and promotion campaigns, particularly in connection with
NGOs, and focussing on young people and children;
* surveys and studies to evaluate the Year and to prepare for its
long-term follow-up.
Enough time spent on the frustrations - that`s not what this project is about. So, here`s the overview I promised:
I would like to write more
about your Czech observations. And overall impressions. I am immensely interested in your project. It will also be
interesting for our readers. See you, perhaps, when you are here. Good luck!
Your Blog is awesome- the
texts are really interesting and the portrait photos excellent. I will keep tracking Your way through Europe, as I am curious
what You will find out on the remaining sorts of us Europeans? Good luck, lots of fun and interesting encounters!
? Good job, i like ur blog
verz much! Wish u a pleasent stay in Romania.
Great blog, I?ll take it on my reading list. As for your post here, you might have mentioned an important point what makes it
difficult for many people to sympathise with the EU on a whole. I agree that Europe/the EU is providing lots of opportunities
nowadays. But it does so only for some ....
Dear sir if you`re looking
for junk yard you can contact me at this mail or call to me at +668-5163-0380 or mail to me at or skype me at games181
Best Regards Piyasak Boonprasit
je voulais juste te dire que
j`ai commence a lire ton blog quand tu etais a Malte ... et que je suis depuis. en effet, cela me permet de mettre des
touches de couleur et d`humanit? ? des chiffres que je lis d`habitude dans le journal. Je n`avais aucune idee que Malte etait
aussi conservateur ; le contraste frappant entre les jeunes grecs qui veulent rester chez eux, et les jeunes bulgares dont
tant partent ! les roumains et leur vue du pass?...etc...Merci pour ton id?e et surtout pour la mettre en pratique tu me fais
voyager par procuration. Bonne continuation et bon vent !
...Hee Bruno veel plezier
met je verdere tocht, ik vind dat je het erg goed doet. Ik ben zeer onder de indruk van je goed in elkaar zittende engelse
teksten! Chapeau!! Je wordt vast een heel goed journalist. ( reporter Bruno in Amerika, in Afrika, de Schat van Scharlaken
Rackham enzovoort ) :-) -
...Listen, I'd be happy to
put one of your photos up every day, as long as we can do this automatically. Do you know how this could be done? If you tell
me, I can forward your advice to my webmaster. I think I'd like a mix of the places and people photos - a real snapshot of
How is that going so far in
Bulgaria? I was wondering if you can send me the picture you took for me and Marcos in the park, close to my office before
you left? Have a wonderful time, and enjoy your trip.
In reactie op onderstaande
vraag moet ik je helaas mededelen dat de heer Timmermans hier niet op in kan gaan. De staatssecretaris beschrijft in zijn
weblog zijn ervaringen bij binnenlandse en buitenlandse bezoeken en zaken die bezighouden met betrekking tot Europa in de
Nederlandse politiek, de media, etcetera. Hoewel wij veel waardering hebben voor initiatieven die gericht zijn op het
vergroten van de aandacht voor Europa, is het niet mogelijk om hier vanuit het weblog aan te refereren. Niettemin wens ik u
veel succes met uw website.
onlangs stuurde jij een email
naar het tijdschrift ... met het voorstel wat te leveren gedurende je Europese trip. Ik las je artikel over corrupt Bulgarije
en vroeg me af of je een soortgelijk artikel wil schrijven voor ons tijdschrift (in het Nederlands uiteraard)
Jongen, ik vind het echt een
geweldige site nog steeds! Echt tof die reis, goed bezig!
interesting topic. My name
is emin and i am a turkish cypriot.I was born in u.k not in cyprus. My dad is turkish and was born in Turkey but my mother is
a turkish cypriot born in Cyprus-Lefke. I want to apply to get a rublic of cyprus passport. I am 18 coming to be 19 soon. I
have a Trnc passport and identity.I am a citizean of north cyprus. Can you let me know if you know if i can get the Cyprus
i really like this article.
It is really independant and gives a lot of information. Good job!! all best
it`s a nice blog... it`s
called Tarator (the soup) and it`s called Martenitsa because of the month March (Mart in Bulgarian) indeed a celebration of
the upcoming spring...good job man !!!
hi again, these are the
picture from yesterday :) i am happy i met u and became a part of your project! good luck with it hope to see u again take
care :)
Oi Bruno!!! I hope you are
doing great in Gr with your project! I saw the new articles on the website...the pic sucks...blah...I should send you a new
My name is Carlos Azuara,
I from Madrid (Spain), I have 24 years old.I will stay in London for a long time. I am a dynamic, young man who is
enthusiastic, disciplined, serious and willing to work and learn. I am interested in the world of photography as it one of my
passions, generally in the areas of social reporting, and advertising, amongst other areas. I am keen to work as an assistant
alongside a photographer which will lead me to learn a lot more about the techniques of photography and to gain experience,
but in this moment I am willing to improve on my language and to take any course/job for I learn very good the English and
take to work experience.
Today I`ve just arrived from
Baden Baden, I got this free tickt with the other one I used to go to Malta. Congratulations for your work, it`s really
amazing. I`m sorry I cannot say anything more profund, but I still don`t know that much about europeans, if you go to Brazil
then we can talk.
Yes, everyone hates non-Greek
food. I suppose that`s why GR fast food places with Italian food and American and Asian franchises are doing so well
here...and they`re owned by Greeks, as well.
Hi! I`m one of those people, who read your posts regulary for a while and I think this project of yours is such a
positive and interesting idea. I like the thought of joined Europe, especially in these times - I think that we, in Europe,
are now finnaly mature enough to do something like that, and in my opinion we have a great potencial as a continent, with so
much different cultures and nations. We must explore our diversity and be proud of it.I also like to photograph, so this
webside is so much more interesting for me. Keep up good work, in the end it`ll be worth it in a way you want! Till then it
is already worth it for many people who read this.
Beste Van den Elshout, Zoals
ik u gemaild had, zullen we geen apart artikel over uw project schrijven in de krant, dat is niet gebruikelijk. Ik heb uw
project onder de aandacht gebracht van onze internetredactie.
Hi, my name is Natalia and
I`m Bulgarian.I happened to see you web site and I must say that it`s quite interesting.I often read it and enjoy all
articles and pictures you issued.It`s great that you are going to visit Bulgaria, too.Following that I would like t help you,
in case you need a help, during your visit here.If so, please feel free to contact me by e-mail.There are great places you
may visit and meet friendly people from which to learn a lot if the daily life, as well as to enjoy our customs- like the one
in March "the martenitsi", hope you won`t miss it.If so I may tell you a little bit about it.
?Hoe is daar? Ben je al
helemaal gewend aan je rol van journalist? Je had wel scherpe vragen merkte ik. Artikel is leuk geworden; ik herken
mezelf/eigen uitspraken dus dat is goed...
Thanks for the links. You do
write well, I think. I enjoyed your
article. Great photo too. I flew back to the Czech Republic with a plane load of Italian school
students on a cultural trip to Prague. They were all out of their
seats, wandering around the cabin, chatting with friends. Hilarious.
Even funnier is to watch the very reserved and cautious, often silent,
Czechs, when a small group of Italians gets on a metropolitan bus. The
cultural gap is vast. All the best with your travels. Let me know when you are going to be in Prague.
Hi...we met at the Sliema
promenade in the begining of this month...well just wanna say you`re doing a gr8 a few articles...very
Take Care
Good Job! Good Luck for your
1-year trip!
Hi there, Thanks for
submitting your article. Unfortunately I can`t publish it in its present format because it`s not in the first-person. If you
have a subject that interests you, why not find someone involved to interview? Their first-person story would be of interest
to us.
Hi, first of all
congratulations its a very nice website and very interesting. I would like to ask you whether you can send me picture in
color to my email. thanks. clayton (22) MT
valletta not valetta
Beste, ik vrees dat we niet
op uw voorstel kunnen ingaan. Permanente links leggen we niet op onze site. Met vriendelijke groeten.
Today I found the little
piece of paper where you wrote your name and web site..
I gave a quick look at it and I immediately realized that I wanted you
to know what I didn`t have the chance to tell you the day we met:just
few words to tell you that in my opionion what you`re doing it`s just
greate. I esteem and 'envy' in the meanwhile your freedom of mind and the
necessary courage to follow one`s passion. I`ll travel with pleasure throught your articles and photographs waiting to leave.
I am Italian and I want to
say that we usually don`t slap our girlfriends.I hope this is clear.Surely that guy was joking.
Great post, just one thing'On
the negative side, Malta frequently suffers from water shortages during summer.' Your source for that info was exaggerating,
that`s definitely not the case. Electricity blackouts have happened in the past during summers though, due to an overload in
A/C use.
... Ik heb inderdaad wat van
de Italiaanse verhalen gelezen. Heel herkenbaar! Dat van die gebaren natuurlijk. Maar ook leuk dat je op de heilige-dag van
een stad bent geweest...
Je voulais savoir si tu
comptais suivre ton planning indiqu? sur le site?
Je suppose que oui, mais c`est simplement que je suis en train de planifier un voyage en Gr?ce pour d?but mai. en attendant,
continue ? explorer la derni?re moiti? de l`Europe.
Camorra, not Comorra.
Hi! I just checked out your
itinerary and it seems to me you forgot to schedule Romania in your tentative travel itinerary. I mean, it`s on the map - you
couldn`t have missed that, but it`s not on the right side list. :) So I thought it might be good to point that out, as I am
sure you wouldn`t want to miss it. Cheers!
Ciao! I enjoyed the
article...and,I would ask to I the only one that told you same positive sides???,luckily I`ve written to you
that mail last day...
This boy will go far. He?ll
be on the EU payroll before long with this kind of stuff.
Wow, what a great idea and a
great blog! Just the kind of thing the Commission?s communication people should be doing but it?s much more interesting when
someone with no agenda does it. Love the writing and the photos. I?m working my way through it from the beginning and will be
following the rest of the trip with interest. Thanks too to Margot for sharing it with us.
Well I could just look in
some travel agency brochures and buy some DVDs for a look about Europe.Or the UK could pull out of the project, denying our
senior civil servants the excuse that the EU is what stops them charging foreign trucks for the use of our roads, and make
them treat international haulage seriously. Then I would be travelling about Europe in my truck,on a fair basis as the other
drivers. Mind you I wouldn`t be on this blog, telling you what a bad deal the EU is for Britain. And you wouldn`t want that
would you ?
No Agenda? I despair at
seeing people write such drivel. If you see things written like that and see no agenda, there is no hope for you.
Was gisteren fijn om je te
ontmoeten, ga proberen je blog in het oog te houden, alhoewel Brazilie roept... Nog veel succes met je ronde door Europa,
geniet ervan!!
What an interesting piece of
propaganda?I mean experience.
Seriously though, I wish Bruno all the best on his travels. May he meet a lot of interesting people and hopefully gain some
wisdom.I learnt long ago that not everybody who seemed nice were nice. Some were in fact very cynical and all too eager to
exploit the naivet? of younger people to further their own ends.
But I wish you well, Bruno, and hope you enjoy the advantage which a lot of ordinary people will never have.
I have seen the blog that he
is running at The content seems to be the same, though. Nice to hear from someone for whom
being European seems to have some relation to the old Continent and not just to Brussels.
Enjoy the experience Bruno
but why are you restricting yourself to talking to young people only? Are people older than 26 too senile to know anything?
Eind december heb je me een
keer ge?nterviewd in Den Haag over de vrijetijdsbesteding van Nederlanders en een week later kwam ik je toen nog een keer
heel toevallig tegen in caf? Van der Werff in Leiden, weet je nog? Ik heb net je site bekeken en het ziet er allemaal leuk en
interessant uit. Als je dus nog een keer in Rotterdam bent en mensen zoekt om te interviewen voor een stukje op je site, dan
kun je het altijd laten weten. Ik vind het namelijk leuk om nog eens mee te doen.
Ik heb je website toegevoegd
aan de links op .... Ik vind het een mooi initiatief en wens je veel succes bij het vervolg.
I got stucked in reading
about Finland :) U have got quite well the same idea as I have from Finland until now, but of course there is some small
things that I cruch a bit upon. (Like the russian language). But really I`m amazed how much you`ve noticed during your stay
and I`ve been laughing many parts of it =)
Hi Bruno, thanks for
correcting the article! I hope you`re doing great:) All the best with your adventures, Elena
Congratulations for ur
webpage. I discovered your space from the post u wrote in Margot Wallstr?ms Blog, I think u`ve done a really great work It
was a pitty We couldn`t meet when u stay in Santiago de Compostela the city where I study! Thanks also for showing another
point of view of Spain, not justBullfighters, Flamenco, etc.
Ik heb toevallig gister een
beetje op je site(s) zitten snuffelen. Erg leuk om de verslagen te lezen. De foto reportages vind ik nog leuker! Ik hou van
de momentopnames. dat je ergens staat/zit en net even dat unieke moment weet vast te leggen. Zo kan ik bijvoorbeeld af en toe
helemaal blij worden als ik een stelletje samen zie genieten van elkaar. De lichaamstaal zegt zo veel op dat moment, zo mooi.
of...zoals ik ook op jouw foto`s terug zag, juist een heel stil moment op een toch wel vrij groot kruispunt. Sowieso leuk om
een aantal herkenbare plekken terug te zien waar ik regelmatig fiets, zoals bijvoorbeeld het kruispunt bij de Groot
Hertoginnelaan en het toegetakelde bushokje vlakbij Scheveningen haven op nieuwjaarsdag. Volgens mij herkende ik ook de
Weimarstraat? hier fiets ik geregeld doorheen als ik weer naar de stad ga om lekker een avondje te stappen/dansen.
`Happiness lasted only
fourteen years, until the moment Turkey invaded the island in 1974.`This is completely unfair! Look for example at Wikipedia
Hi Bruno, just letting you
know that your piece has been published in Margot`s blog:
was zeker leuk om je te
zien. goed om weer even ?cht gesproken te hebben ;) succes de komende 7 maanden.
leuk stukje over carnaval is
het wel geworden. jammer alleen dat niet naar voren komt dat carnaval meer een gevoel is.. en dat het daarom door de mensen
van boven de rivieren vaak niet leuk wordt gevonden. dat zijn maar details en het is wel een leuk stukje verder
Hoi Bruno, Door jouw vragen
kwamen er bij mij ook weer meer vragen omhoog over het vieren van carnaval en het ontstaan van dit geweldige feest! Ik zal
tijdens de dolle dagen wel even aan je denken! Groetjes en succes met het uitvoeren van je passie! Stephanie
What a nice suprise. I am
very fine. and You? It is so cold here right now.. more than minus 10 degrees. Yesterday I went to the camping ..and
almost died:) Anyway.. all the best to You too and maybe You will have a time to visit our festival in the summer. I
certainly hope so. There is a opportunity that maybe I can accredit you as a journalist. Let me know what do you
Salut Bruno et bonne annee a
toi aussi, elle va surement etre riche en evenement. Je suis regulierement tes periples sur ton site, c`est super interessant
et me donne envie de faire la meme chose.
Ik zag dat je een stukje
geschreven had met mijn foto erbij `pumping or drowning. Ik weet niet of er per ongeluk de verkeerde tekst bij is komen te
staan, maar de tekst gaat eigenlijk meer over friezen dan over ho nederlanders denken over hte stijgende waterpeil. Verder
staat erbij dat degene op de foto ( ik dus) jeltje heet. Volgens mij is hier iets fout gegaan. Thought to let you know.
And I hope your New Year is
as splendid as this one has been for you. What a wonderful job you`re doing!
Oui je me souviens tr?s bien
de vous Bruno! Votre 'touch photographique' me parle fort!!! Voici l`un de mes dessins, pour vous accompagner dans vos
chemins europ?ens!
Un grand merci a toute
l`equipe de Us Europeans,
pour nous avoir fait vibrer avec toutes ces aventures europeennes. Felicitations surtout, au journaliste, au photographe et a
l`ensemble des organisateurs.
We spraken elkaar vandaag in
Heeg. Hopelijk heb je een interessante dag achter de rug. Ik heb je project/site bekeken en vond er antwoorden op de vele
vragen die ik je had willen stellen. Het ontsnappen aan de rat-race is een terugkerend thema in de verslagen.
Ik fietste vanochtend een rondje met de kindjes, eentje voor- en ??n achterop. Door de weilanden,langs de weidevogels en de
gemaaltjes, de boerenbedrijven etc. Ik bemerkte dat het heel prettig is dat een minder inpulsrijke omgeving je de tijd geeft
om je eigen verhaal te maken bij indrukken die je krijgt. Je krijgt tijd om indrukken niet alleen op te doen maar om ze ook
om ze te ordenen en te combineren en verwerken.
Bruno, this is just to say
that I enjoy very much reading your recent stories about traditions in the Netherlands. Living with a Flamish girl since some
years I see several similarities between The Netherlands and dutch-speaking Belgium, but also quite some differences.
How nice to hear from you
again! Yes I still remember you, how could I forget such a nice guy like you..I have been reading your 'diary' for your
travels every now and then from the net.
Hi Bruno! How`s you? I
finally got time to visit your websites, really love your photos! Just wanted to wish you a bonnes f?tes de fin d`ann?e :)
Hope you had a merry christmas.
Beste heer Borghout, Bedankt
voor uw mailtje. Helaas ben ik op 3 januari 2008 niet op kantoor. Ik ben wel beschikbaar op 7 januari `s middags of 8 januari
de hele dag.
Joe Hennon from Margot
Wallstrom`s office gave me your details as we seem to be engaged in similar projects. I am the editor and publisher of - a Europe-wide news magazine. I could certainly feature your work in some way, or at the very least we
could exchange links.
yo ! je viens de lire ton
article sur strasbourg, mais je ne suis pas vraiment d`accord avec ce que tu as rapport? de notre conversation, je ne me suis
sans doute pas clairement exprim? donc je souhaite apporter une pr?cision tu voulais, je pense, faire r?ference ? l`id?e
selon laquelle les personnes qui attendent aux feux rouges ne sont pas des habitants de strasbourg mais des touristes, donc
allemands (pour la plupart). j`insiste ici sur le fait que ce n`est pas une diff?rence fondamentale entre les allemands et
les francais, car de l`autre cot? de la fronti?re ce sont les francais qui attendent aux feux rouges. ce que je voulait dire,
c`est qu`il y a une tr?s forte proportion de touristes allemands d`une certaine cat?gorie sociale; au centre de strasbourg
(50-60 ans, niveau de vie plutot ?lev?, retrait?s.. par exemple) et sp?cialement vers la cath?drale.. ce qui m`?nerve un peu
pour des raisons longues ? d?finir et qui ne sont pas sans doute pas partag?e..bref mon id?e n`?tait pas d`un grand int?ret
:-) f?licitation pour ce grand projet de voyage et bonne continuation !
Hey Bruno! Hope you`re going
well with your travelling tour... I was delighted to meet you in Bordeaux. Thanks for quoting me in the article, actually you
are pretty good in writting the news. I wish you all the best and hope you will find out anything you want within the great
European salad (cause it is a various mix!!)
Barcelona hi, i was
interviwed by bruno, when i was traveling from murcia to barcelona. i use to lived in granada, so i recommed you to visit it.
the city is very beautiful and there are a lot of young people, because the are studing. if you go there, you will like it.
Merci pour ton mail et les
liens, je visiterai tout sa en d?tails quand j`aurai un peu plus de temps. N`emp?che que ton projet m`impressionne et que
c`est bien de voir des gens qui ont de folles initiatives comme toi et de les partager au travers de ton site! J`?tais super
content de te croiser, surtout que c`?tait vraiment par hasard (merci Charlotte!). Cool soir?e, bon p?riple, et peut etre a
une prochaine au Pays Bas !
Hi Bruno! Pretty nice
article. I just want to note some typos or mistakes so you can change themI`m 25, not 27 :) Limits of Euskal Herria are
marked by "cultural" similarity (not ethnic). Navarre is spelled Navarra in Spanish, not Navarro. Acquitaine is
spelled Aquitaine. San Sebastian is called Donostia in Basque, not Donastia.
Education in school is now primarily in Basque for children, but it remains primarily in Spanish at university. Euskal Herria
(you wrote Easkal herria somewhere...)
Hi Bruno Thanks you for
your email. I was amazed that you commented on the points I made, because I didn`t expect that. How you manage to
interview people, write the articles, socialize, do the necessary domestic tasks and still take time to personally answer
emails is a mystery.
Ha jonge neef! Ik maak het
zeer goed en mijn vrouw ook. Een beetje vermoeid door de drukte op de boerderij maar verder alles ok. De lammetjes zijn
toevallig sinds gisteren begonnen. Het lijkt wel een schijterij virus, ze vliegen eruit! In 1 dag 14 moeders gelammerd met
elk 2 lammetjes! Een zeer aangenaam en economisch goede zaak. (He Arjan, als je dit toevallig leest ? alles kits in Onze
Lieve Vrouwe van de Estrijen?)
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you
have had a good day and are enjoying yourself in Spain. I`m sure you are looking forward to heading home next month for a
rest though! Must be getting really tiring for you.
Hi Bruno, Gefeliciteerd met
je verjaardag! Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Twoich urodzin!
I read your blog often. I
hope u are having fun in Spain, your articles are very good, I like that you spoke about inmigration, regional languages
and... fiesta!. I feel embarrased that nobody speaks english in here, I hope that changes soon. Anyway... we would love to
visit u if we go to Holland one day.
Hi there! I?m glad your trip
is being so interesting, even if sometimes you feel bored and upset
I?m sure it?s still worth, if not, you?d take your way back to home, am I right?
Ik had al wat extra geld
gespaard om als het nog viel te regelen naar Spanje te komen, desnoods met een late boeking. Ik ben echter zo stevig anaal
genaait door Unive dat ik dat wel vaarwel kan zeggen. Het blijkt dat ze een half jaar van iemand anders zijn rekening hebben
ofgeschreven en of ik even een kleine 900 euri op hun rekening wil pleuren. T was al niet te gemakkelijk te regelen, maar ja,
we drinken wel een biertje in de paap als je hier ben met de kerst.
You have so many historical
mistakes in this and other posting!!!!! ??. i Know this is a personal project, with no social intentions, but i think your
comments are full of done concepts, you take an individual opinion and apply that to an entire population, don?t you think
that can lead to xenophobia? And I presume you don?t speak portuguese, so you are quit limited in getting opinions...There
are all kind of people and ideas in all countries of Europe...
Have been reading some of
your articles and find them ineresting. I think what you are doing is great. Perhaps you should speak to the odd older
person as we are not all grumpy and boring - unless your project is from a certain age range. I also read some of your daily
comments and photos and liked that a lot.
oh wat heerlijk dat je dit
doet geniet van alles!!
Hi Bruno, I already read
your article, it was very interesting...and i?m glad you had your picture of the day; that you found a person, who you could
take a picture off!!!! It was also a pleasure to me meet are welcome for the coffee! Enjoy your trip and have fun.
Hello, my name is Vanda...
not Venda :P I`ve beeing reading yours strories and I like it! I think that your personal experiences are very interesting
and they are a very strong complement to the artices! I hope you had liked ?vora... it is a very interesting city. Did you
visit Capela dos Ossos? It is quite bizarre... but unique. (Sorry about my English) Enjoy Portugal.
Your project sounds very
interesting but it seems you`ve only just started with it, right? Can you please explain to me a bit more concretely the aims
and types of articles you will be submitting?
Hello Bruno, people hunter
:) Hope you`ve already found today`s victim and decided what the story will be about. Anyway, soon this will be checked out
on web site :)
Hello, I was the boy
interviewed by you. I am from Azores too..i do not know if Pedro is too, but Nuno (26) is definetely from the Azores Islands.
It?s good! Thank you and take care
It is so nice to read such a
comment. To tell you the truth yesterday I was thinking about you two Dutch guys -you and Bas. I remember All Saits during
your visit. It was great time then having you here or being in NL. Missing that a lot. Should have contact more often. I made
first step:)
Hartelijk dank voor je mail.
We waarderen je initiatief om het werk van Europeanen meer zichtbaar te maken zeer. Wat betreft je suggestie om de inhoud
toegankelijk te maken voor onze eigen website, wil ik je graag mededelen dat we hier geen gebruik van kunnen maken. De
content van deze site willen we graag in eigen hand houden. Rest mij je veel succes te wensen met je verdere activiteiten.
Hi, Bruno!
I came home a couple of days ago, and I just checked your website. You
are definetily up to something great there! I find your project truly
interesting because I`m also fascinated by the culture of the 'old
continent'. Back in Edinburgh, I didn`t actually understood that you
have such a massive project in your hands. I hope everything will work
out fine on your travels. Keep up the good work and take care!
And, how are you getting on?
What was the best you`ve done on your trip, the worst that happened to you, the country you will never ever go to again, and
your favourite so far?
Where are the friendliest people, the poorst people, the unfriendliest people etc??
let me know :)
Ha Bruno! Goed om je weer te
horen! Hoe gaat het met je? Ik probeer elke weer even de verhalen van je site te lezen. Erg gaaf wat je doet hoor! Eerlijk
zeggenvalt het mee of soms tegen?
Hi Bruno, good to hear from
you :) Here in Dublin all the same, 48 days more to stay. We are leaving for good to Czech on 16th December and are quite
excited about it. I have read your last article about way how people communicate in Portugal, I enjoyed it. You must pay us a
visit if you come across Pardubice (our town) while visiting Czech Republic. Last year it won a survey Best town/city for
living in Czech Republic and one year ago it was on the second place.
In ieder geval heb ik de
bestemming gehaald (Kala Pattar op 5545m, iets verder dan het mount everest basiskamp) Ik volg zo nu en dan je website, en
zie dat je leuke ervaringen opdoet. Goed man! Ik hoop je binnenkort een keer te ontmoeten en bij te praten. Tot ziens en
uiteraard nog veel succes.
Hi Bruno love the site. Very
interesting to see how other people view us Brits, and for me to get an insite on other europiens.Will follow your progress
with great interest,and hope that Britain might waken up and catch up with rest of Uerope Take care on your travels regards
John -
Everything is just fine :)
including cold weather :) I have delivered form about my studies to military point, so now I can neglect about army :) Maybe
you have a colour photo of me in your photo archive? Wish to have one :) So, are you a student? is your
'full-day job' or just a hobby? I find good and interesting articles in that website. Good work :)
Waarde Pismiet, Tsja, tyfus
of typhus, denk dat ik een klein taalgezwelletje in me hoofd heb zitten uit engeland, daar is het volgens mij wel typhus. Hoe
ik dat in engeland deed? Geen idee eigenlijk, ik deed meestal geen boodschappen, behalve bier dan. En dat was inderdaad de
beste aanvulling, dus je weet wat je te doen staat.
ey!!! hi bruno! my inglish
is horrible, but....come on!!!! I am living now in Santiago and you are will coming when you decided. 10 november is perfect!
but others days so. you are choose. I will read mi email this days. muuuuuuuuuuua!
Something else I was
thinking... I know you don?t need anybody to introduce you to people
because you alreaday do by yourself very well, but I was wondering if it would interest you to come
to English lessons with me. I?m going four hours per week to the school of languages, I?m in the last year of English and I
thought you could explain your project to spanish people; at least this people are able to understand and talk in English,
(something that could be difficult with the most of the young in this area) I wouldn?t mind to pose for the Us Europeans...
but you must know I don?t look very nice in pictures, so, if you can take a pretty one of myself you?re free to use it. And
for sure many people would want to be on that website
Alors la, bravo, un email en
francais sans aucune faute d`orthographe, c`est assez remarquable, surtout de la part d`un etranger.Je viens de passer une
petite heure (quand meme!!!) sur ton site. De tres, tres belles photos, amusantes aussi. Evidemment une petite preference
pour celles de Paris, ou je retrouve bien le Paris que je connais. J`adore celles de Prague mais la comme je en connais pas
la ville, j`ai pas le meme regard. Evidemment j`ai juste parcouru le site, il ya tellement d`infos, j`y reviendrai...En tout
bonne chance pour la suite, je vais suivre ton voyage de pres.
Hey, You`re in the UK (I had
to stop myself from saying England!). Hope my fellow countrymen are treating you well!
Inderdaad, ik kom nog bijna
dagelijks op je interessante site en geniet er
van. De Baltische staten heb ik nog nooit bezocht, maar die staan nu ook op het
verlanglijstje. In Schotland ben ik vaak geweest. De slechtste eet- en drinkgewoontes van heel Europa naar mijn mening. Op
het platteland is nauwelijks verse groente te koop.
De blikjes met groente zijn veel kleiner dan bij ons, maar de bierblikjes
zijn dan ook weer een slag groter. Ik heb enige jaren in Canada op een college gezeten, iemand vond het leuk om mij German te
noemen, toen ik hem American ging noemen, was hij zeer beledigd. Verder vond ik deze uitspraak van een Ier erg leuk:
'I`m part Scottish and part Irish. The Irish part wants to get drunk all the time but the Scottish part doesn`t want to pay
for it'
Well, I think you do a great
job for writing about us europeans. Maybe that will bring us closer to each other. After all we are part of one big family..I
hope you luck for your journey! -
Seems we have pretty much
the same strategy for new cities. Walk around, watch people, buildings and places, sit down for coffee and watch some more.
Always worked.
Take care further on your journey. Hug back Siri
Va` kul att lasa alla dina
inlagg pa hemsidan. Jag ser att du har besokt manga delar av Sverige och jag kanner igen mig i mycket av det du skriver om
Sverige och svensk kultur. Mycket intressant!
Bruno, Ben nog met Martin
bezig. In z?n contract staat dat we de kosten delen voor de E1s. Is dat iets dat jij ook afgesproken heb of probeert hij dit
er door te proppen bij mij?
Hi i talked to you in
uppsala and checked in to your website later that evening. The articles are so fun to read cause you realy get the mentality
of the country and another thing about swedes is that we have lots of humor so we like to laugh and have fun even if it meens
laughing at ourselves. I will follow your trip and hope to have lots of fun reading the story about sweden. Cheers/Emil
graag meer info over
verschillende mogelijkheden voor begeleide fotoreizen
Hi Bruno, Impressive lijst
met artikelen. Ik was braaf begonnen met de eerste en toen ik drie artikelen had gelezen, kwam ik erachter hoeveel je wel
niet geschreven hebt!
I sure will read the most of
your photolog and read about our neighbours in EU. I think your projekt is very exciting and it?s fun reading about the
people and how we work out as a human beeing. Also to read about how you see us. There?s so many things in our daily life
that we don?t think about. We just do things like 'Systembolaget' and 'H?lsocentralen' :)
It was fun speaking to you yesterday and this is a really exciting page to visit speacally when I?m quotated :) I?ll send you
some of my pic?s from den Haag. regards //Terrie
Ik heb net een paar foto`s
bekeken en wat teksten gelezen. Je bent aardig op dreef!
Op deze manier kan je ook een reisboek schrijven; dan weet een ieder meteen vanalles over de cultuur daar.
En je site(s) zien er trouwens overzichtelijk en gestructureerd uit! Ben je blijkbaar toch minder autistisch dan ik dacht..
Maar je hebt inmiddeles wel heel heel heel veel info..dus binnekort toch maar in boekvorm uitgeven??
Waarom niet, zou ik denken! Wil ik wel met volledige naam te lezen zijn bij de `special thanks to`....hihi..
Oh boy... Didn?t realise
that MY FACE would be the only one in one of your article..
Well, have to admitgreat photo! It don?t tell how I was feeling at the moment. Makes me a good actress or you as good
photographer..hmm.. Anyway it?s nice to read your blog, hopefully your journey will be fortunate!
Well anyway, i do admire
your decision to get out and meet the world as it is. That`s the best way to meet yourself too, i guess. Take care, meet some
funny people and enjoy the scandinavian cold and rainy autumn.. I`ll keep following your travelling at your web page. And i
am already planning my trip to Holland, so i`ll see you in ten months then! Unless you stop over for a longer period in some
warm nice country by the see, then i could come by to visit you earlier.
We at Jugend bewegt Europa
found that your site is a very interesting
read. We decided to link to 'Us Europeans' in our link section.
Bedankt voor je mailtje en
voor je mooie kaart met prachtige postzegel. Opa belde natuurlijk meteen op om te vertellen dat ze ook een kaart hadden
gekregen. Ze waren er erg blij mee.
Hello, Bruno, Finally I have
possibility to access Internet normally. I have visited your webpage & I was really amazed. You have made such a great job.
Big job. I am reading articles one after other and find them very intresting & useful :) Tomas.Klaipeda.Segway
Very nice to hear form you,
I visited your web site and it is amazing how it has grown in details and photos since my first visit! I am sure you are
enjoying your travelling as much as possible. Indeed the `boot` is long and I would have been surprised if you visited it
ALL. Let`s keep in touch, anyway!
Cool, had a chance to check
your sites! You are obviously keeping very busy with those projects! Good stuff! I especially like some of your photography!
Also nice when u wax philosophically! It`s nice when people give opinions in an intelligent way but remain open-minded as to
the truth and possibilities. Keep up the good work! So I take it from your postings u are in Finland! I just finished a
facinating trip through Belarus. I did two gigs, one in Minsk and one in Brest. I also visited Grodno which is lovely! We
might cross pathes later into your European journey as I`ll be on the road again before you finish except I will stop for
five months and work to ea
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